1 Zone / 16 Tray / 2.56m² Tray Area
view- Berry of choice
- Berry of choice
- Depending on the type of berry you may need to blanch the berry first to crack the skin e.g. blueberry, goji berry, raspberry, blackberry. Another method instead of blanching as to not lose as many nutrients is to freeze the berry for a couple of hours and allow the skin to crack.
- Once the berries are prepared, evenly spread across your dehydrator trays so that the berries aren't touching.
- Dehydrate the berries at 125°F (52°C) for 24-36 hours. The larger berries will take longer to dehydrate but check in every 12hours or so to see if the berries are completely dry.
- Once the berries are dry, they should be shriveled and not stick together. Either store in an airtight container or blend in a blender to form into a fine powder. Store in a cool dry place.